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倚碩科技自1998年成立,以嵌入式軟體為起點,提供企業從底層平台到最上層的應用程式, 開發工具與測試平台等產品,並協助加速開發與加速上市時程。倚碩為台灣的OEM/ODM企業 提供產品開發所需之標準協定與開發工具,提供協助開發各項產品的服務, 並建立以客戶需求為目標的銷售及專業經驗豐富的技術支援團隊,特別在VoIP的專業領域備受信賴。
隨著科技產業的趨勢變遷,我們轉而聚焦各類程式代碼(C/C++ , JAVA , C# , PHP , Python , Objective C , JavaScript ) 測試與分析工具,包含開放源碼安全性測試 (例如: OpenSSL HeartBleed),程式代碼靜態分析、 動態測試及效能分析工具,確保程式代碼的品質優化與安全。因為在各類專案協助的經驗中, 我們了解到程式代碼的品質管理與安全性,對於專案成功本身具有舉足輕重的地位。 且隨著開放源碼的普及,企業需要面對的挑戰也益加多樣且困難,希望能夠無需增加企業大量成本, 就能保障程式代碼的品質與安全性,並大幅減低開發測試所需要的時間。
無論是嵌入式軟體與代碼測試分析,我們不停的在世界各國尋找先進的技術, 將產品或解決方案引進台灣市場。 希望未來不僅是IT產業,也希望台灣其他的產業,在迎向市場趨勢時有機會讓我們最專業的建議與服務。 為了這樣的挑戰與願景,倚碩科技也將持續貼近著不斷進化的各類代碼測試與分析技術, 期望能提供各個產業最佳解決方案的選擇。

About E-Soft
E-Soft Technologies was established in 1998, providing embedded software from platform to application with development toolkit, SDK and testing tools to speed time to market and development process. We provide Taiwan OEM/ODM customers with standard communication protocol toolkit and SDK to fulfill the specification of products and project-oriented sale with experienced professional local support. We are especially trusted in VoIP.
Along with the trend, E-Soft now off to focus on providing different programming languages(C/C++, JAVA, C#, PHP, Python, Objective C, JavaScript)’ source code testing analysis tools. To ensure the quality and security of source code, we provide open source security test (e.g. OpenSSL HeartBleed), automated static/dynamic testing tools, and performance testing tools. With experiences in various projects, we realize both quality and security are crucial to success. Enterprise facing challenges as open source popularized. It is now an important issue for enterprise to leverage the power of open source while assuring quality and security at the same time without extra costs.
E-Soft will continually introduce new solutions of embedded system software and source code analysis tools into Taiwan market to meet customers’ requirements. In order to provide enterprises with the most up-to-date and revolutionary source code testing and analysis technique, we will continue sourcing for new solutions to be the most trust-worthy and supportive software solution provider in Taiwan.
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