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Wind River® Titanium Cloud™ is the industry's only fully integrated, ultrareliable, and deployment-ready portfolio of virtualization software products. Titanium Cloud provides the ideal software infrastructure designed for the rigorous demands of the carrier and critical infrastructure networks.

Wind River針對網路功能虛擬化提供了各種商用NFV基礎軟體解決方案,並符合電信網路所需的電信專業等級高可靠性,透過更有效地利用運算資源、增加服務靈活性並減少在偏遠地區進行升級和維護所需的營運成本。虛擬功能可部署在客戶現場伺服器、服務供應商的接入點,或是資料中心,可大幅降低營運成本,同時提高虛擬化和智慧化的程度,憑藉這種雙重優勢,服務供應商將透過NFV應用實例以及其它軟體定義和雲端技術,持續推動網路轉型。
作為NFV的前期應用,虛擬CPE這類的應用實例,能夠顯著節省營運成本,同時提高部署靈活性。在服務供應商積極探索NFV潛在收益和機會的今天,Wind River協助產業引進新服務、降低成本,並持續對極具關鍵角色的電信專業等級解決方案進行維護。
Enterprise server and computing technologies were not designed for the rigorous demands of the carrier network.
Titanium Server solves that problem by providing an application-ready software platform that runs virtual functions with carrier grade reliability and is built to support the intensive performance, reliability, and security requirements of the world’s most demanding computing and communications networks.
Flexibility: Scale your services up, down, in, and out—rapidly, deploying new services dynamically, when and where they are needed.
Performance: Maximize the number of subscribers you support on each server, so you minimize your operating costs.
Reliability: Keep your services up—always.
Titanium Cloud products address specific applications with compatible platforms:
Titanium Cloud includes a complete portfolio of technologies to build the components for high-performance, ultrareliable virtual networks. It includes the following core components:
Using these core components, Titanium Cloud delivers the key features needed to successfully build and deploy a virtualized network running multiple VMs.
TL 9000 design methodology to guarantee six-nines reliability
Full 10 G line rate accelerated virtual switching running unmodified guest applications
10 µs deterministic interrupt latency to support virtualization in the most stringent CPE and access sections of the network
Accelerated live VM migration, including the “share nothing” model—40% faster than enterprise software
Detection of failed controllers, hosts, or VMs 60x faster than enterprise Linux; automatic recovery, with no single point of failure
Fully integrated telecom-grade security, including complete AAA access control
Proven multi-vendor interoperability via trials with the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) and other standards bodies

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